It is hard to characterize John Baldessari’s varied practice—which includes photomontage, artist’s books, prints, paintings, film, performance, and installation—except through his approach of good-humored irreverence. Baldessari is commonly associated with Conceptual or Minimalist art, though he has called this characterization “a little bit boring.” His two-dimensional works often incorporate found images, composed in layers or presented as distinct pieces with an element of surprise, like a brightly colored geometric shape in the place of a face or a starkly printed sardonic caption. Baldessari has demonstrated a lasting interest in language and semantics, articulating these concerns through the use of puns or the juxtaposition of seemingly unrelated images and words, as in his 1978 work Blasted Allegories. His self-referencing photomontages and use of text have been sources of inspiration for countless artists, including Cindy Sherman, David Salle, and Barbara Kruger. Baldessari identifies his own artistic lineage, saying, "I would prefer to go to the source with Duchamp rather than credit Warhol as an influence."
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Available Works Only
2623 Third Street, Santa Monica
2623 Third Street, Santa Monica, 2000
One of four color lith­o­graphs with screen­print.
69.6 x 69.6 cm
Edition: 61
Price on Request

Nose/Silhouette: Green
Nose/Silhouette: Green, 2015
Offset lith­o­graph poster from Unti­tled Art Fair.
69 x 47 cm
Price on Request

Intersection Series - Person On Horse And Person Falling From Horse
Intersection Series - Person On Horse And Person Falling From Horse, 2002
Chro­mogenic print on archival paper.
39.4 x 36.8 cm
Edition: 150
Price on Request

I Saw It
I Saw It, 1997
44.1 x 36.5 cm
Edition: 100
Price on Request

Two Hands (With Distant Figure)
Two Hands (With Distant Figure), 1990
Photo-lith­o­graph and aquatint in colors.
134.2 x 89 cm
Edition: 45
Price on Request

2623 Third Street, Santa Monica
2623 Third Street, Santa Monica, 2000
One of four color lith­o­graphs with screen­print.
69.6 x 69.6 cm
Edition: 61
Price on Request

Two Unfinished Letters
Two Unfinished Letters, 1996
Screen­print and photo-lith­o­graph in colors on Arches 88 paper.
80 x 53.3 cm
Edition: 80
Price on Request

Studio, 1988
Lith­o­graph with colour screen­print­ing.
76.2 x 72.39 cm
Edition: 150
Price on Request

2623 Third Street, Santa Monica
2623 Third Street, Santa Monica, 2000
One of four color lith­o­graphs with screen­print.
69.6 x 69.6 cm
Edition: 61
Price on Request

Ingres and Other Parables
Ingres and Other Parables, 1972
This is John Baldessari’s very first artist book. It takes the form of a hole-punched hang­ing wall cal­en­dar that repro­duces a stock pho­to­graph accom­pa­nied by a wry art world-related para­ble — with moral — in four lan­guages for each month of the year.
30.8 x 27.1 cm
Price on Request

Blue Masterstroke Over Red Diagram and Two Cowboys
Blue Masterstroke Over Red Diagram and Two Cowboys, 1989
Four-color lith­o­graph on Arches 88 Printed by Cirrus, Los Ange­les.
100.6 x 98.7 cm
Edition: 60
Price on Request

Double Play: Feelings
Double Play: Feelings, 2012
5-color screen­print.
35.6 x 34.3 cm
Edition: 150
Price on Request

Sediment: Throat, Nose and Spider
Sediment: Throat, Nose and Spider, 2010
Archival inkjet print.
41.3 x 38.1 cm
Edition: 120
Price on Request

Stairway, Coat and Person
Stairway, Coat and Person, 2011
Archival inkjet print on Som­er­set Satin paper.
50.8 x 40.6 cm
Edition: 120
Price on Request

2623 Third Street, Santa Monica
2623 Third Street, Santa Monica, 2000
One of four color lith­o­graphs with screen­print.
69.6 x 69.6 cm
Edition: 61
Price on Request


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